Inline Functions in kotlin
I was hearing about inline keyword ,from the beginning of my kotlin learning.I was thinking what is this..? Java was straight forward,nothing like these keywords ,here inline ,crossline etc…Then one day I started reading about inline.Oh my god.. it's that easy..
So I will walkthrough an example of inline function
So let's take the below higher order function
fun findHotel(){
fun bookRoom(){
println("Room Booked")
There is an option in android studio to convert this to java (Tools ->kotlin ->showKotlinbytecode).If you convert you will see below code
public void findHotel() {
public void bookRoom() {
System.out.println("Room Booked");
so bookRoom() is created in java code also.We can avoid this and do the same operation from kotlin ,which will actually reduce the memory overhead of new function. That is inline functions .
Now we will see how it will differ if we are using inline keyword for bookRoom()
fun findHotel(){
inline fun bookRoom(){
println("Room Booked")
Now if we convert the above code to java ,you will be able to see below code
public void findHotel() {
System.out.println("Room Booked");
That’s it..
inline is used normally for small functions .For large function inline is not recommended.
Inlining may cause the generated code to grow; however, if we do it in a reasonable way (i.e. avoiding inlining large functions), it will pay off in performance, especially at “megamorphic” call-sites inside loops.
for more deeper learning
Happy Reading … Happy Coding…