Macbook shortcuts

When I started using mac it was difficult for me to find the shortcuts,I was searching and finding the shortcuts. So here I will be updating the shortcuts which I am using in Macbook.

Hope it will be helpful for someone

  1. cmd+option+esc. — this will open forcequit application dialog box
  2. cmd+shift+dot. — this will show the hidden files in a folder
  3. cmd+option+delete — this will permanently delete file
  4. cmd+shift+3 — for taking screenshot of any screen in mac
  5. option+shift+f. — — this one is for visual studio code users who wants to format the code.

I will try to update this page as I find some useful shortcuts..

HappyCoding … Happy learning…



yadunath narayanan

Passionate android developer working with android mobile and androidTv